Sunday, April 18, 2010

Forever Young

Another blog post just within 2 hours of posting the previous one. Why? Cause SOMEONE asked me to go blog. So here's to you (as you might have assumed from the title).

Let's fly to Sweden. Soon. Very soon (:


Okay, so my blog hasn't been, what you may call 'functional' for quite some time now. I guess I just grew out of it. But now that I have a ton of time on my hands, I intend on blogging more. Easier said than done =\

So my first blog post after ages, what should I blog about? Nothing springs to mind. Okay, maybe something light for now. I've been reading 'The Time Traveller's Wife'. I just started yesterday. It's a pretty alright book. Till now. It's a bit wonky and strange but it's transfixing nevertheless.

The book is about a man name Henry who is a time traveler. None of that time machine claptrap, but it's a genetic impairment. He's supposed to be a part of a new cohort of humans (that's what the doctors construe). Evolution, I suppose. So, he keeps popping back and forth in time involuntarily. One day he's sitting at home reading his newspaper, sipping his coffee, and the next second he finds himself in his past or future , in a parking lot stark naked and nauseated. It's pretty eccentric but I guess that's what makes you read on. It's actually a love story. It's about him and his wife Clare, who struggles to keep up with her husbands disappearances and stuff. I have yet to finish the book, so you can anticipate the final verdict in about a day or three.