Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

A few weeks ago, I promised myself that I wouldn't go on Facebook this entire summer. I knew that the probability of not breaking the promise were wiry to fictional. Over the past few years, Facebook has become an imperative part of my life. On an average, I maybe spend about 14 hrs on Facebook weekly. I couldn't go a single day without logging on to Facebook and 'wall-ing' someone. I was an addict.

What made my ordeal even more challenging was the fact that I was stuck at home with absolutely nothing to do. On days like those, the first thing I did every morning was log onto to Facebook. I didn't think I would even last 2 days. However, I did. Infact, I lasted TEN whole days. But on the 11th day I finally succumbed.

It was great being back on Facebook. Looking at my mini-feed, for the first time in ten days made me realise how much I really missed Facebook. Facebook is my link to the world outside the walls of my home and im glad we have something like Facebook. Facebook is AWESOME!

P.S: Facebook is also a speck bit wicked [for reasons only Tasneem knows ;] ]